Our Products
Applicated GC
Applicated GC
Fully customized turn-key GC solutions for any analysis

Eclipse process GCs bring laboratory quality capillary chromatography online

Small Devices
Dynamic Blender
Simple, portable blending device for making multiple calibration levels from a single certified standard
Gas Auto-sampler
Stand-alone unit allows for unattended analysis of up to twelve gas cylinders with increased accuracy and precision
Liquid Auto-Sampler
Stand-alone unit allows for unattended analysis of up to nine liquid samples all kept under pressure to ensure correct phase sampling
LPG Pressurization Station
Stand-alone unit maintains sample integrity and allows for consistent analysis from LPG cylinders
NVOC Concentrator
Device vaporizes CO2 and collects heavy organic contaminants in a solvent for syringe injection
OFID Controller
Stand-alone unit prevents damage to the OFID reactor in the event reactor purge gas flow is lost
Single Cylinder Heater
Maintain sample integrity and prevent condensation when sampling from a pressurized sample cylinder
Single Cylinder Holder
Bench top sample holder for safer sampling from pressurized gas or liquid cylinders
Stand-alone Oven
Stand-alone auxiliary oven to accommodate additional valves and hardware
Stand-alone unit ensures consistent sample introduction of vaporized product from LPG

Tedlar Bag Auto-sampler
Stand-alone unit for the unattended analysis of up to 16 Tedlar® bags to help meet short holding times and improve sampling consistency
Complete, all-in-one programmable cleaning system for the unattended cleaning of up to 12 summa canisters
Turnkey analyzer for the mobile detection of perflourinated tracers from underground high voltage cables

Custom Small Devices
Side Panel Stream Select
Modified side carrier panel for flexibility to select samples or calibration blends easily and visualize gas flow